Everything included Full of Features

Probably all the features
your website will ever need:


Start your own newsletter, easily place a Newsletter App on your website and wait for your visitors to subscribe.

Send beautiful Newletters and share your company news and offers!

Key Features

List of key features, which makes your website building an easy experience!
  • No HTML knowledge required
  • Automated installation available - no files to download or setup
  • SEO Friendly
  • Responsive & Mobile Device Friendly: your website should look great on any device
  • Intuitive interface with easy access to subpages
  • Easily Add Subpages, Drag & Drop Subpages to arrange new order or create submenus
  • Add subpages to Menus for better organization
  • Built-in Apps & Templates catalogue
  • Built-in Templates Editor with multiple theme options, customizable menu styles, hundreds of fonts.
  • Over a 100 Color Themes for Templates
  • Predefined, responsive Content Blocks
  • Files Manager with Easy Files Upload
  • Online Images Editor
  • Google Analytics support
  • Google XML Sitemap support
  • Built-in Search Engine
  • Social Media Features
  • Simple Statistics
  • Custom Metatags for Subpages
  • Custom Favicon and more!

Available Modules & Apps

Modules, which are already available. Use them to build and extend your new website
  • Shopping Cart
  • Blog
  • Photo Gallery and Slider
  • Files Manager with 500,000 free photos library, illustrations gallery and professional royalty-free stock photos to buy from inside of your website
  • Contact Forms Maker
  • Vote Poll
  • Events Calendar
  • Newsletter
  • FAQ Maker
  • Add to Google
  • Google Maps, Google reCaptcha, Google Analytics and Google Translator
  • RSS Feed Reader
  • Restaurants Menu Maker
  • Sitemaps
  • TawkTo Live Chat
  • YouTube Video Support
  • Paste Custom Code for JS/HTML/CSS Support
  • Downloadable Files

Templates Features

Highly Customizable

Kopage Website Builder comes with beautiful base templates to choose from, which you can easily customize: replace default images with your own to give it individual look, change a header's design, style, colors or fonts.

Social Media Support

Add Facebook, Twitter and other social media buttons to your website header's menu, footer or anywhere else on website contents.

Fully Responsive - Mobile Friendly

You're building your website on your desktop and this website will work well on all desktop devices, but will also look great on mobile phones, tablets and more: your website contents will automatically fit to viewer's screen.

This type of design makes it not only user-friendly, but also Google Friendly

Endless Possibilities

Each theme comes with number of available header, which you can easily customize, hundreds of fonts to choose, over 100 predefined color schemes - which you can also customize.

There's a built-in Themes Catalogue, from where you can easily import a template to replace your current design.
Website made with Kopage AI Website Builder Build a Free Website