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What is Kopage?

Kopage is an easy to use website builder you can host on your own server.

Is this a "website builder toy"?

It may look like it's too easy to not be a toy, but it's quite powerful - this website, kopage.com is built using Kopage! With Kopage you can build simple websites, landing pages and blogs, but also professional, advanced websites - like this one.

You can build your website from start to end without any coding knowledge, but if you're familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript or even PHP - there's a space for custom coding too!

How much does it cost?

You can install, setup and create your website for free, there's no time-limit for this free trial. When you're sure you really like the result and you're ready to publish your website, you'll need a license (pricing), which you can purchase directly from inside of your website.

If you choose to have a webhosting with one of our partners , your license will be probably free!

What are system requirements?

You can install your Kopage website on almost any webhost, you can even setup your own server at home and host it there.

You'll need very basic, default configuration: PHP7.1 or newer with ionCube Loaders installed. Your PHP should have GD libraries (used for creating thumbnails in your gallery), ZipArchive/ZIP & cURL (used when downloading themes and updates).

Root access is not required, MySQL is not required.

How can I start?

You can use our online installer , download installer file or download ZIP archive with all files if you want to install on your own webhosting account manually.

You can get an account with one of our partners and use installers within their infrastructure or find any webhost with Softaculous installer and you'll find Kopage there too.

You didn't find answer?

Please feel free to contact our sales team!
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